Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition

  1. Jacob Neusner, Oral Tradition in Judaism: The Case of the Mishnah (1987)
  2. Stephen O. Glosecki, Shamanism and Old English Poetry (1989)
  3. Ruth H. Webber, ed., Hispanic Balladry Today (1989)
  4. Judith Seeger, Count Claros: Study of a Ballad Tradition (1990)
  5. Murray McGillivray, Memorization in the Transmission of the Middle English Romances (1990)
  6. Marcel Jousse, The Oral Style, trans. Edgard Sienaert and Richard Whitaker (1990)
  7. Karl Reichl, Turkic Oral Epic Poetry: Traditions, Forms, Poetic Structure (1992)
  8. J. Michael Stitt, Beowulf and the Bear's Son: Epic, Saga, and Fairytale in Northern Germanic Tradition (1992)
  9. Zinta Konrad, Ewe Comic Heroes: Trickster Tales in Togo (1994)
  10. Carolyn Higbie, Heroes' Names, Homeric Identities (1995)
  11. J. M. Foley, ed., De Gustibus: Essays for Alain Renoir (1992)
  12. Jane Morrissey and Cristina Canales, eds. and trans., Gracias, Matiox, Thanks: A Trilingual Anthology of Guatemalan Oral Traditions (1996)
  13. Mark Amodio, ed., Oral Poetics in Middle English Poetry (1994)
  14. James Dee, The Epithetic Phrases for the Homeric Gods (1994)
  15. Mishael Caspi, ed., Oral Tradition and Hispanic Literature: Essays in Honor of Samuel G. Armistead (1995)
  16. Keith Dickson, Nestor: Poetic Memory in Greek Epic (1995)
  17. Craig R. Davis, Beowulf and the Demise of Germanic Legend in England (1996)

Most of these volumes are available from or