News, Articles, and Events
The Center for Studies in Oral Tradition will sponsor a public lecture by A. B. Lord Fellow, Dr. Margaret Lyngdoh, “What the Returning Dead Want: Afterlife Narratives and Belief Worlds in West Khasi Hills,” Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 4:00 P.M. in Strickland Hall Room 115.
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The Center for Studies in Oral Tradition is pleased to announce the fifth recipient of the A. B. Lord Fellowship in Oral Tradition, Dr. Margaret Lyngdoh, who is a Junior Researcher at the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu, Estonia, and will be in residence in Fall 2016.
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On Thursday, October 13, 2016 Karl Reichl will offer the 31st Albert Lord and Milman Parry Lecture at the University of Missouri. The title of his talk, to be delivered at 7:00 pm in Room 7, John K. Hulston Hall, is “How to become an epic singer: ‘singer schools’ in Uzbek and other Turkic oral traditions”. The lecture is sponsored by the Center for Studies in Oral Tradition.
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Lee Haring describes himself as a literary critic, albeit one whose research concerns “a bunch of literature that nobody gets to see until I produce it. That is,” he explains, “I retrieve the materials that I work with which consist largely, these days, of what we call oral literature.” Over the course of his long and distinguished career, Haring has worked to translate and analyze the oral literature and traditions of the Indian Ocean Islands. Lee Haring is professor emeritus of English at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York…
Full interview and video excerpts are featured on the International Society for Studies in Oral Tradition website
On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 Lee Haring will offer the 30th Albert Lord and Milman Parry Lecture at the University of Missouri. The title of his talk, to be delivered at 7:00 pm in Room 7, John K. Hulston Hall, is “Translation in Folkloristics”. The lecture is sponsored by the Center for Studies in Oral Tradition.
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The Center for Studies in Oral Tradition will sponsor a public lecture by A. B. Lord Fellow, Dr. Xiulan Bao, “Mongolian Oral Traditions: History and the Status Quo,” Wednesday November 11, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in Arts & Science Room 40A.
Dr. Xiulan Bao’s lecture has been rescheduled for Wednesday November 18, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in Arts & Science Room 1.
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The Center for Studies in Oral Tradition is pleased to announce the fourth recipient of the A.B. Lord Fellowship in Oral Tradition, Dr. Xiulan Bao, who is Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and will be in residence in Fall 2015.
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The home page of the Center for Studies in Oral Tradition website features news stories, articles, and announcements of events that are of interest to individuals involved in the comparative field of oral tradition studies. What appears on this page at any given moment is a selection of items that are either time-dependent or of continuing importance of one kind or another. After their currency has expired, we will archive older items in the archive section of the website, so that they can serve as reference material on a permanent basis.