Oral Tradition Volume 23, Number 1
All back issues of Oral Tradition, from volume one, number one (1986) to the present are now available online, open-access, and free of charge. Please visit the master-index of back issues for a full listing and links to individual issues and individual articles.
The entire archive of Oral Tradition can be searched by keyword and by author. Additionally, the search engine supports phrase queries and Boolean queries, as well as browsing by author. Once an article file has been downloaded to a user’s desktop, it can be searched via the “Find” option in the user’s browser.
Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions about the journal. We want to know what you think! Drop us a comment online or send us an e-mail directly at csot@missouri.edu
Center for Studies in Oral Tradition | 243 Walter Williams Hall | Columbia, MO 65211
573.882.9720 (ph) | 573.884.0291 (fax) | csot@missouri.edu | Technical Support